The Becky Code: How To Deal With White Woman Violence While Amplifying Your Joy
Learn how to defy Becky’s deadly weapons, resist her wrath, and activate your magic to survive, thrive, and experience deep, rich, and abundant joy!
White Spaces Missing Faces: Why Women Of Color Don't Trust White Women
In your professional, community, and other organizations, whose faces are missing? Learn what Black women and women of color need before they feel safe in your white spaces.
Weapons of Whiteness: Exposing The Master's Tools Behind The Mask of Anti-Blackness
Black people are in a violently abusive relationship with toxic whiteness. Learn how to release yourself from the grueling grip of this trauma bond.
Unleash Your Significance: Activate the Audacity to Be All You Are Destined to Be
Discover your unique purpose and destiny—your multidimensional magic—that have been hiding within you, begging to be unleashed! You matter. You are worthy. You are significant!
Read these suggested books to continue digging up your racism and anti-blackness. Black people need you to be on your truth, love, and accountability journey so you can be in solidarity with us!